Thursday, December 21, 2006

What is a blog?

I've never posted a blog before. Honestly, I'm not quite sure I even knew what one was until a couple of months ago, when my wife became addicted to blogging. She spends hours upon hours in front of the computer trying to post photos of our children, etc. I'll hear her groan when our outdated home computer freezes up because it is simply too slow to upload her photos; she'll hear me groan as I watch Rafer Alston take another ill-advised 3 point attempt or Chuck Hays make another needless foul... so I guess we're even, ;) but my groan seems so much more important in the grand scheme of things (at least as playoff position is concerned) - LOL :).

Honestly...I'm proud of her new addiction. Not only does it leave less time for her to complain about my obsessive-compulsive Bears and Rockets watching disorder this time of year, but it truely allows her to express herself in a way that suits her personality and talents extremely well. So as the famous expression goes; "If you can't beat 'em...join 'em."

I apologize in advance that so many of my ancedotes refer to sports, but those are the things that I relate to best.

I teach a Real Estate class at Blinn College - "Law of Agency"- and one of my favorite pasttimes has been to bring Julia or Alyssa (my two daughters) to class and challenge the class to see if the class can name more of the Rockets or Astros than Julia or Alyssa. Needless to say, I've trained them well and Julia (7) or Alyssa (5) almost always wins.

A couple of years ago, we took a family photo with Lance Berkman (a Houston Astro All-Star first baseman). He picked up Alyssa in one arm, and Alyssa still to this day refers to him as "a nice man."

One of my favorite moments in class is when I'll ask Alyssa, "What do you say to Kobe?" Without hesitation, she'll yell out, "No means No!" Like I said before, I train them well.

Anyway, my objectives for this blog are to 1) educate you 2) as Matress Mac would say "save you money" and hopefully 3) entertain you.

This week's money saving tip goes out to my good friend Damian, who is the GM for both Bryan and College Station's Little Caesar's Pizza franchises. I worked for Damian when I went to A&M in the late '80's and early '90's and we are still good friends to this day (even though he likes the Cowboys... Da Bears rule!) Little Caesar's offers a "Hot and Ready" large pepperoni pizza that can feed our whole family for only $5.00. In my opinion, it is by far the best bargain in B/CS, not to mention that there is no reason to call ahead as they are already ready. Get one today, pick one up on your way home from work at the College Station store on SW Pkwy and Texas or the Bryan store at Booneville and the Bypass.

Now as the late night TV talk show hosts might say about their guests promoting a new movie, I'm going to "plug" my own business and offer you a free, quick, over-the-net market analysis of your property if you're in the market to sell you own home. Simply click on and fill out the online questionaire and I'll give you a free, confidential market analysis of what your home might sell for without any obligation.

I'd love to hear your comments, your thoughts, your opinions, and your questions. If you've got any input please post in the comment section.

1 comment:

Lisa Smith said...

Hi, Love, Welcome to the blogosphere!!! It's good to have your're a natural at this bloggy thing!