OK! So, I'm flipping through the 456 stations on DirecTV hoping to find something interesting - especially since there is no
Rockets game tonight...
Instead, I find some chump trying to sell me the latest, greatest, newest piece of athletic equipment that "I can fit in the corner of any room in my home", obviously, so when I QUIT using it after the initial two-week period (one week past the initial money back guarantee trial period) then I'll have a place to store it.
Now, if that wasn't tempting enough...they also offer a no-money-down payment plan, where you can finance the entire $35,000 slightly-modified treadmill machine, over the next 240 years for payments of only $39.99.
It reminds me of the first time I went to a
Rockets game without my parents. A group of four guys (including myself) decided to go to a Rockets game at the Summit in 1985-86. I was naive. I just didn't realize a carton of (pre-popped) popcorn cost $12.50 (even back then)! I was just excited to be there.
I remember standing in the concession line. For some reason the items I was planning on purchasing were hidden from the view of the checkout lady. She asked me what I was buying, I promptly told her "a popcorn and coke" - she quickly replied that my total was $17.50. I held up my 3 1/2 oz. Coke (mostly filled with ice anyway) to display the size (of both my 12 kernel popcorn and 3 1/2 oz. drink) and said "No, this size popcorn" thinking that maybe she had misheard me and thought I had said "Popcorn & Cokes for the whole frickin' Arena is on me tonight". She quickly replied, "That'll be...$17.50."
Ouch! I was speachless! Actually, I wasn't...although, I was only 15 at the time, being the smart-alec I was, I quickly asked her if I "could put that on my Visa card?" Un-amused, she said "No!" I then asked her if I could take out a second mortgage on my house and bring my payment by later. Again, she was un-amused. I finally paid her the $11,000 cash that was due for the popcorn and coke that I had ordered.
In addition to being a "Rockets Freak", I'm also a "Parrothead". What is a "Parrothead?" A "Parrothead" is defined as anyone that enjoys Jimmy Buffett music.
A few (OK...maybe many) years ago, Jimmy Buffett released an album called "Fruitcakes". In the title track, Jimmy sings (or shouts) "Take for example when you go to the movies these days, you know. They try to sell you this jumbo drink...8-extra ounces of watered-down Cherry Coke for an extra 25 cents. I don't want it. I don't want that much organization in my life. I don't want other people thinking for me. I want my Junior Mints! Where did the Junior Mints go in the movies? I don't want a 12-pound Nestle's Crunch for $25.00. I want Junior Mints! We need more fruitcakes in this world and less bakers! We need people that care! I'm mad as hell and I don't want to take it anymore!"
I really identify with this song. I'm so sick and tired of every one trying to tap me for another 30-50 bucks each and every month!
In my business, technology is crucial. Not having a state-of-the-art website, can be the difference between whether or not you make it in this business. According to the National Association of Realtors, over 75% of all people that bought a home last year did at least some sort of their search via the internet.
It's crucial that I have a strong presence on the internet. It's also important that I advertise in the local newspaper, on TV, the radio, on the shopping carts at the local grocery store and in the bathroom at my Kindergartner's school...Seriously, where does it end?
I love marketing! It's a passion of mine. It's fun, exciting, and I enjoy the challenge of finding better ways to "out-do" my competition but recently I've been struggling with everyone, everwhere...(borrrowing a line from Alanis Moresette) trying to stick a "hand in my pocket".
Everything I do there is someone, somewhere with a better product, service or idea that they want to charge me $25, $30 or $50 a month to "make my life easier". Is it worth it? In some cases yes, but in most "no."
I don't know who first invented the "upsell", but in my opinion they are a genius. I don't have many opportunities in my business to ask "would you like a condo with your house?" but seriously, whoever first came up with the idea was a marketing genius. However, it has gotten to the point that I am starting more and more each and every day thinking maybe I can live without some of these products.
Today I cancelled two call-forward numbers that were costing me over $40 a month. IT FELT GOOD! It felt nice to say "See Ya!" to Verizon and the $40 they charge me each month for simply moving to a more desireable location. I support local businesses and hope they do well. However, there is a fine-line between earning an honest living and taking advantage of someone. I moved office locations about a year ago, when we needed more space. It was quite costly, and I understand that part of that is the cost of doing business. However, I also don't agree with many of the "because that is our company policy" rules made by corporate monopolies.
It's just not right. It's not acceptable that I pay $25 for my
family to go to the movies and then have to buy their concessions...at an over-inflated 5000% mark-up.
That's why we sneak our own candy into the movies. It's not that I'm cheap. I'd honestly prefer to buy their concessions, but not at the 5000% mark up. Come on... it's public knowledge that a fountain drink costs 5-10 cents (probably 2-3 cents when they fill it up with ice) but to charge $4.00 as does Cinemark (not to mention the $5.75 bucket of popcorn that probably cost them another 5-10 cents.)
I'm bombarded each and every day with hundreds of SPAM emails. Anything and eveything from "a new stock that has just been released that will quadruple your money in 24 hours" to pills that can help you "lose 35 lbs. in 23 minutes" or "grow your manhood 3 x bigger in just a few weeks."
Enough of my rave. I'll see you at the movies (matinee of course)! I'll bring the candy, you bring the soda. ;)
P.S. Don't forget the Junior Mints!